If you have any questions not listed here, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Can you receive deliveries?

Yes, we can. We also handle visitors, such as receiving parcels and mail.

Can you serve tea to visitors?

Yes, we can. We will accommodate each visitor's preferences.

Can we request sheet changing (bed making)?

yes you can. We will make the bed according to the season.

Can you clean outdoor areas like the garden or entrance?

 Yes, we can. We will sweep leaves from the entrance, balcony, and parking area, as well as fertilize and water plants and flowers.

Can you feed pets and take care of their toilet needs?

Yes, we can. We will take care of your precious family members with dedication.

How do you handle personal information and privacy?

We will sign confidentiality agreements to protect the privacy of our contracted customers.

What if furniture or fixtures are accidentally damaged?

We are insured for liability, so we will provide compensation.